Saturday, January 9, 2010

'Bamboo village' at Bodh Gaya for 'Pitrapaksh' festival

The 15 days of the dark fortnight are called "Pitrpaksa" or Mahalaya pakhsa? and new moon days are called Mahalaya Amavasya. These days are considered to be important for performing the rites for the departed ancestors. The Bihar government had constructed
'Bamboo Village' at Bodh Gaya during 'Pitrapaksh', a 15-day long religious festival.
The festival started on first week of September. Bamboo village has 20 huts equipped with modern facilities and ample open space to suit the needs of visitors.
pilgrims from different parts of the country and abroad are likely to offer Pindadaan for the salvation of the souls of their ancestors.

As per religious belief, performance of the Pindadaan ritual in Gaya was mandatory for the final salvation of souls. The rituals are conducted at nearly 50 Vedis (altars), the more important Vedis being Vishnupad, Ramshila, Pretshila, Baiterni, Akshay Vat and Mahabodhi temple. Gayawal Pandas, claiming to be superior priests, perform the rituals and award blessings, acknowledging completion of the rituals and its acceptance by the heavenly bodies to the pilgrims.

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