This is the Hindu belief that after the death, soul of human being still remain in this materialistic world. Just because of the loss of body (due to death) someone can not detach himself / herself from this world. The pull of Love, kindness, affection for his / her family, friends, relatives etc. and the affinity for the materialistic world prevent him to go for the extreme and ultimate departure. As a result, being a bodiless state that man (without body) gets pain. He wants to do many things but can not. They can not or even do not want to make themselves free from this materialistic world. 'PIND Dan' according to Hindu Belief Gives them an ultimate relief and paves the way for their departure to the ultimate world of Peace.

Gaya is extremely Holy place for offering of Pinds.Pinds are offered in personalised way on your behalf on the Foot print of Lord Vishnu, on Akshya Bot and beside the River Falgu maintaining proper Hindu religious customs so that the Departed soul of the Dead persons rest in peace permanently. In many cases it is happened that if someone is died unnaturally (unnatural death due to accident, suicide, murder or get killed) then his/her unsatisfied spirit can not go to the super natural world (his / her "Atma" i.e. soul do not get 'Mukti' - freedom) and comes to this materialistic world again and again and sometimes try to frighten people in many ways.

The auspicious 18 days Pitri paksha sraddha or Pitripaksha mela,that is considered best days for offering oblations to the depared forefathers or any departed Family members,And this Auspicious 18days comes in every year in the month of September or October.And, An estimated 5,00,000 to 75,00,000 pilgrims arrive in the Gaya city during the Pitripaksh Mela for GayaJi sraddha or Pind Dan Earlier pind Dan was performed around the year. There were 360 platforms where pind Dan was done with wheat and oat flour mixed with dried milk. Pind Dan is also performed symbolically with mud balls. Presently pind Dan is performed at Vishnu temple, Akshay,Vat,Phalgu and Punpun river, Ramkund, Sitakund, Brahm Mangalpuri, Kagbali, and with the five pilgrimages they together make 48 platforms where pind Dan is performed.
Pilgrims have to cover 54 vedis,name of vedis are listed below , where pilgrims have to perform Pind Dan:
1-Poonpoon charanPuja 12-Jiwha loll 23-Kartikpada 34-Mat Gowapi 45-Munda Pristha
2-Falgu River 13-Gajadhar Jee 24-Dhadikhagni 35-ko pada 46-Adi Gaya
3-Brahma Kund 14-Sarswati 25-Garpashagni 36-Agastha pada 47-Dhout Pada
4-Pretshilla 15-Dharmaranya 26-Ahabaniagni 37-Indrapada 48-Bhim Gaya
5-Ram Shilla 16-BodhGaya 27-Suryapada 38-Kahsyapada 49-Go Prachar
6-Ram Kund 17-Brahma Sarower 28-Chandrapada 39-Gajakaran 50-Gada Loll

8-Uttarmanas 19-Amrasichen 30-Sandyagnipada 41-SitaKund 52-Baitarni
9-Udichi 20-Rudrapada 31-Yagnipada 42-Souvagyadan 53-AkshoyBata
10-Kankhal 21-Brahmapada 32-Dadhisthi pada 43-Gayasir 54-Gyatri Ghat
11-Dakhin Manas 22-Vishnupada 33-Kanna pada 44-Gayakup
When actually Lord Rama Chandra came to Gaya to offer Pinda Daan to his Father Dashratha?It is believed that Rama belonged to Treta Yuga,This yuga covered 12,96,000 mortal years.After Treta, came Dwapar yuga covering 8,64,000 mortal years.This is the kali yuga.The period is to cover another 4,32,000 mortal years.In such a situationRama came to Gaya for offering oblation to his deceased father more than 12 lakh years ago. And the pinddaan in GayaJi practice for the salvation of a soul was in vogue since long and still continues to be an integral part of Hindumythology.

A study of Gaya perhaps Cannot be completed without a refernce to the Gaya Mahatmya.Gaya Mahatmya also speaks about the powerful demon Gayasur and how Lord Vishnu in his mace bearing form had persuaded the demon motionless with his body and how Lord Vishnu killed Gayasur, the holy demon by using the pressure of his foot over him and forming the panch kosi Gaya keshetra,the most pious land on earth,And Gayasur was the creation of Brahma and his body with his head in the north covers the area from the bodhgaya on the south to prethshilla on the north, and after his death many people have flocked to Gaya to perform shraddha or pinddaan sacrifices on his body to absolve the sins of their ancestors. And It was said that the Gayasura's body would continue to be known as Gaya Kshetra.
It is believed that this place has been blessed by purificatory powers.Hindus traditionally come here to perform pind daan to honour their parents or ancestors and people also participate in the massive get together who perform the final rites of their departed family members to freed from the agonies of Hell and sent to Heaven.As we say the king of holy place is Prayag. The teacher of holy place is Pushkar.Thus Gayaji is called the soul of holy place. (it is written in Bedpuran)Gayaji is only one of the places where hindues worship their parents, ancestors with the Lord.

1.Tirpindi Shradh : Tirpindi Shradh is done for those people who died unnaturally, to remove Preth Badha,And after Tirpindi Shradh all the Dificulties which is creating by ancestors or family member who died unnaturally is removed and This Shradh is very important for Satisfaction of Soul who died Unnaturally.
2.Naranyan Bali shradh : Narayan Bali Shardh is done to remove Pitra Dosh and Narayan Bali ritual is done to Satisfy the soul of ancestors and deadth people whose soul is wandering here and there in the world,And For getting Satisfaction the ancestors give Dreams to their Family Member,then Naranyan Bali shradh is done or When People have Pitra Dosh In his Kundli or Horoscope, And all the difficluties is removed which is obstrution in any type of good work due to Pitra Dosh.

4.Kalsharpyog Pooja :When any Person have Rahu and Ketu Present in his Kundli or Horoscope then the happiness is lost from his life and the People goes downward and downward in any aspect of life and Life of the People is under the influence of Deadth, then Kalsharpyog Pooja is done in GayaJi to remove Kalsharpyog Dosh from his Kundli or Horoscope.

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